Summit at a Glance
Summit is a compact design and engineering firm structured to adapt quickly and efficiently to our client’s needs. We offer our clients innovative design solutions utilizing cutting-edge technology and comprehensive project management for full-service project delivery.
At Summit, we know that one size rarely fits all. That’s why we approach every project with careful consideration, tailoring a unique approach to the individual needs and challenges they present. We want to ensure that our client’s projects are not only successful but that our design solutions exceed expectations, bringing their vision to life through innovation, collaboration, and community support.
Our Purpose
We build partnerships with clients to shape our communities.
Our Vision
To thoughtfully enhance the built-environment by delivering resilient and impactful projects.
Our History
Summit Design and Engineering Services is founded in 1997 under the name Callemyn-Parker, Inc., when Principal and Chairman Jim Parker and land surveyor Alois Callemyn combined their resources.
Services Offered
The Sear-Brown Group is dissolved. Mr. Parker, sensing the opportunity to bring the company back to its roots, establishes Summit Design and Engineering, PLLC, alongside Sherry Jones, Kevin O’Dell, PE, Edmund Purcell, PLS, and Bill McCarthy, PLS.

Community Involvement
Committed to Making a Difference.
Our Active Memberships
► ACEC North Carolina
► ACEC Virginia
► Virginia Transportation Construction Alliance (VTCA)
► Regional Transportation Alliance (RTA)
► Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce
► Asheville Chamber of Commerce
► Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
► Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce
► Franklin County Chamber of Commerce
► Chatham Chamber of Commerce
► Urban Land Institute (ULI)
► American Institute of Architects (AIA)
► Society of Marketing Professional Services (SMPS)
► American Public Works Association (APWA) North Carolina
► American Public Works Association (APWA) Virginia
► Florida Transportation Builders Association (FTBA)
► Halifax Chamber of Commerce