Cape Carteret Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)

Cape Carteret, NC
Our team is working with the Town of Cape Carteret to develop a Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) for the Town with consideration to the Town’s growth potential, existing CAMA Land Use Plan, and future updates to the plan. The Town currently has a Code of Ordinances, which contains several components of a Unified Development Ordinance. Still, many ordinances are outdated and do not account for the Town’s modern development and growth interests.
Summit is reviewing the Town’s Code of Ordinance to ensure full compliance with all North Carolina General Statutes and all aspects of Chapter 160D. Additionally, we must ensure remaining sections of the Code of Ordinances do not conflict with any other sections.
We are independently analyzing the Town’s existing ordinances and creating a new UDO with guidance from the Town’s Staff and UDO Committee. We are also incorporating feedback from the public during the process. This UDO will include modern graphics, references, illustrations, and explanations.