We partnered with Alta to provide The City of Raleigh with trail connections at the Walnut Creek Wetland Center. Although Alta was the prime, Summit provided several services and was heavily involved in the trail design to ensure a No-Rise condition. The proposed trail connections are on both sides of Walnut Creek and consist of 360 linear feet of paved path, 1350 linear feet of natural trail, three boardwalks, and a floating platform.
The entirety of the project is located within the FEMA-regulated floodplain, with most of the project within the Floodway. Further, there are numerous existing structures within the floodplain, so the project had to qualify for a No-Rise. The City did not include a hydraulic component in the planning phase; thus, the functional design included several components that added blockage and created increases to the Base Flood Elevations. Given the tight constraints of a No-Rise, Summit and Alta coordinated on several design revisions, which led to the project falling behind schedule. However, the design team identified a solution that included adding an additional paved trail and a floating platform designed to minimize obstructions during large flood events, which met all the requirements for a No-Rise.