We provided structural engineering services for the Wake County Justice Center located in the hub of North Carolina’s state capital. It expands over an entire city block and enhances the dynamic of Raleigh’s skyline. It was awarded LEED Silver Certification from the US Green Building Council in 2014.
The structure consists of a high-rise court tower and low-rise administrative components. The 19-story tower (12 above grade and two levels of below-grade parking) has an overall building height in excess of 230 feet above grade and houses 18 courtrooms with the potential for four additional rooms. The administrative support spaces include meeting space for the Wake County Board of Commissioners and further workspace for County personnel. Our work also included below-grade connections to the adjacent Wake County Public Safety Center.
The primary building construction utilizes structural steel framing with lightweight concrete slabs on metal decks. The below-grade levels are structured with cast-in-place reinforced concrete framing. Lateral resistance is provided by structural steel braced frames (above grade) and reinforced concrete shear walls (below grade). The building is founded on augercast concrete pile foundations. Due to its proximity to an adjacent high-rise jail construction and existing deep foundations for the demolished building and parking deck, the project required a relatively complex, deep foundation design. This building was completed 6 months ahead of schedule and $30 million under budget.