The Sandy Branch Stream flows through an old cattle farm and the livestock had damaged and degraded the stream features over time. With this project, the stream will be restored and physically protected from cattle by a fence, and also safeguarded from future development under a conservation easement. The stream is approximately 2,500 feet in length and our team provided route location, conservation easement mapping, and surveying services for the project.
Our route location and survey services included:
- Establishing the NC State Plane Coordinate values for the project by GPS to tie to the survey.
- Establishing permanent site control baseline meeting a traverse closure of 1:20,000.
- Confirming the topographic location of watercourses collecting the stream centerline, underwater break lines, rock outcroppings, top of banks, water surface elevations, and additional ground elevations out to 75′ right and left of the stream banks.
For the conservation easement mapping, our team created a preliminary plat of easement for review and created a final conservation easement plat for recordation following the jurisdictional agencies guidelines.