We currently work with Rhetson Companies, formally Par 5 Development Group, on the civil/site designs for multiple commercial retailer locations throughout Virginia and North Carolina.
Each location follows a similar process. Once the site is selected, our first phase of work is working with localities to secure the proper zoning and permits as well as coordinating approvals from the DOT’s for Highway access. Once approved, the land is purchased by Rhetson, and from there we design the site to suit the particular building prototype that will be there. We also work with Rhetson’s client to ensure any features they want to be part of the site are included, such as truck entrances or parking requirements. Once construction is completed, we check to make sure our stormwater management features are operating as designed.
We have worked on 40+ sites over the past 3 years in North Carolina and Virginia. The challenge of these projects is first getting everything approved by the localities and DOT’s before construction. Each locality has its own personality and needs for us to respect. During design, the main challenge is adapting to the variety of locations. There is always something different that may prove challenging to design with; figuring out those unique situations forces us to be creative and innovative.