Aurobindo Expansion Focus Study

Durham, NC
Aurobindo in Durham, NC plans to create and implement a Master Plan for the future growth of their RTP campus. Summit brought in our design team to fill this need and generate creative expansion solutions for Aurobindo. These solutions were based on a focused programming study that we completed for them to discover conceptual solutions that best meet their expansion needs.
During programming, our team reviewed all pertinent background material regarding the project scope from the client, including:
- As-Built Record Drawings
- Site Plan
- Internal Spatial Design Guidelines
- Industry Pharmaceutical Design Standards
- Manufacture Systems Integration Documentation
Our team met with Aurobindo and participated in focus groups to review and verify the project requirements for the assigned functions, personnel, support spaces, labs, connectivity, manufacturing, storage, and ancillary spaces. Our team then used the program data to study and recommend design criteria to the client through a final program document, conceptual site plan layout, conceptual building mass models, and preliminary space plans.