B-5989 Madison County Bridge 071

Madison County, NC
The B-5989 Madison County Bridge project involved replacing a structurally deficient bridge that spanned Big Laurel Creek on SR 1395 (Walnut Creek Road) in rural Madison County. This roadway and hydraulic design project is also adjacent to the T-intersection of Walnut Creek Road, SR 1318 (Big Laurel Road), and Big Laurel Baptist Church (including its other facilities). Project plans were developed to replace the existing structure at the current location, and an on-site detour was designed to maintain traffic at the project site.
Big Laurel Creek is FEMA regulated and is an environmentally sensitive water resource that is classified as trout waters. The design plans were developed carefully to avoid damage and minimize impacts to the creek and the Big Laurel Baptist Church facilities.
Summit is responsible for the roadway, hydraulic analysis and design, erosion control and structure designs, traffic management, signing and pavement marking plans, and overall design project management. The project management duties involve direct coordination with NCDOT’s Division 13 staff on conducting the Field Scoping Meeting, Public Involvement Meeting with the Church, and Field Plan Review.