Belfield Business District Improvements

Emporia, VA
Our team was selected by the City of Emporia, Virginia, to provide civil design, surveying, construction administration, and construction engineering and inspection services for the Belfield Business District Improvements project. This project intended to improve and replace hardscape features along Baker Street in Emporia.
In order for our team to provide accurate drawings for construction, a topographic survey was conducted for the area. The topographic survey was then used as the base map for the design drawings. The survey provided vertical elevations and horizontal locations of all features that would cause conflict with the overall design. During the survey process, our team also located existing above-ground features that were within the area of the proposed improvement, including pavement, buildings, traffic lanes, drives, curb and gutter, sidewalks, gravity utilities with invert, mailboxes, signs, fences, above-ground utility appurtenances, visible traffic signal systems, and overhead utilities and easements.
Once the survey work was complete, our land development team prepared the design layout and plan development. Plans provided to the City included existing conditions/demolition plans, site and utility plans, a landscape plan, and a lighting plan. Within these plans, there were also detail sheets included for the site, utilities, storm drainage, and erosion control.