Town of Angier Sidewalk Expansion

Angier, NC
We assisted the Town of Angier with a sidewalk expansion project totaling approximately 3,400 linear feet. The sidewalk expansion was predominantly along residential town streets but intersects NCDOT primary (NC 55) and secondary routes (SR 1502). The project included a sidewalk along NC 210 (W. Depot St) connecting pedestrian access to residential secondary routes within the Town. Both are LAPP projects with STPDA funds and are designed in coordination with the Town of Angier and NCDOT. Both projects include the addition of curb and gutter, improved drainage, and relocated wet utilities along the affected roadway.
For both projects, our team conducted natural resource assessments of the project area and coordinated with the regulatory agencies for Jurisdictional Determination. We coordinated the cultural resources (historic and archaeological) review of the project with State Historic Preservation Office. We prepared the Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form (CE Checklist) for the project as design reviews were completed. We also completed the construction drawings, obtained necessary permits and bid documents as scheduled for the Town.