WVDOH I-81 Exit 5 Interchange/Inwood Phase 2

Berkeley County, WV
Our Construction Services team is currently providing two (2) technicians, through the District 5 On-Call CEI contract, to assist the Department in the construction administration of the reconstruction of the I-81 Exit 5 interchange with WV Route 51 (Gerrardstown Road) as part of the Inwood Bypass in Berkeley County (District 5).
This $22.7M project aims to reconfigure the interchange by adding three roundabouts, two of which will replace signal-controlled intersections and one to replace an adjacent stop-controlled intersection. These updates will significantly enhance the interchange’s operational and safety aspects.
Work features include the replacement of the existing four-span concrete girder bridge over I-81, widening Route 51 from three lanes to four, utility relocations, drainage, and stormwater management construction, median and curb and gutter installation, paving, and installation of pavement markings, signage, and the installation of new intersection lighting.
Maintenance of Traffic includes a mix of local and interstate traffic, further complicated by multiple commercial business entrances and an at-grade railroad crossing immediately adjacent to the project.