Piedmont Community College ADA Improvements

Roxboro and Yanceyville, NC
Summit was selected as the design team to provide safety and accessibility upgrades for Piedmont Community College’s Person County and Caswell County campuses. The project will include design and renovation to address priority issues documented in a safety and accessibility assessment performed in the Spring of 2020. Areas identified in the survey include improvement of accessibility routes (curb cuts, running and cross slopes, handrails and guardrails), access to goods and services (entries, door clearances, opening withs, opening force/ closing time, control heights), and restroom upgrades (fixture heights and position, clear floor space, grab bar heights, and hardware).
The team carefully reviewed and prioritized items that we believe can be achieved within the budgetary constraints. During the design process, Summit will provide construction estimates at the end of design development to ensure the project is within budget. If the project is well under budget, Summit’s team will meet with Piedmont to identify other areas that were not immediate priorities and add them to the scope.
Project Details
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